Pearly Whites | Teeth & Mouth

7 ratings

Hello! This is a weird project of mine because I wanted some different tooth options. I like imperfect teeth more than perfect ones, so here we are. I ported magic bot's base sims 4 teeth and created a tongue and throat, then created some tooth options. The models have custom UVs, textures, normals, and speculars. I have included a more vanilla tooth color and a whiter tooth color. They are also weighted.

This is a free mod - do not reupload it anywhere for profit. You must credit me and magic bot for the original teeth. You can include it in whatever if you link back to where it is freely available.

I have also uploaded my .blend files in case you are running into import issues.


  • Straight teeth
  • Crooked teeth - Yaeba style
  • Large 2 front teeth
  • Gap front teeth
  • 4 front fangs
  • Upper and lower fangs
  • Upper fangs

BLENDER INSTALLATION GUIDE: Preliminary note - 3d edits are hard. Please be kind to yourself and expect to start over at least once if you're new. If you see weird error messages when trying to import your edited model, you'll probably need to start over - I have seen a remarkable number of error messages I didn't know exist after being dm'ed by quite a few new modders installing teeth, and my best advice is start over if you're having problems. Done correctly, you should not be seeing those errors.

Please read the guide before starting, then follow along. I have noted hotkeys that I use in {these brackets} while using blender to help you. Please watch a youtube video about how to move the camera in blender - that is about the most basic tutorial out there, and this is not that tutorial.

This should work for most 3d teeth, but some that are made with 3ds will not import correctly into blender. There is no easy fix to this.

Step 1: Export your character's head model as an .fbx.

FBX files are 3d files you can import into blender.

A. To do this, open textools and use the menu on the left side of the menu to navigate to your character's head file. It will be located under <Character → Face → [Your Sex & Race]>. Click the "Models" tab over to the right to see the face models. I am using a Miqote male as an example here.

If you're not sure what your face is, check the game for which option you picked. They are in order - each face has 4 main options, with some caveats. Midlanders have more options than the other races. Au Ra and Viera have only 4 models between the clans, while older races have unique models between the clans (so, up to 8).

  • Hyur:
    • Midlanders are 1-7 (1-5 for females)
    • Highlanders are 101-104
  • Elezen:
    • Wildwood are 1-4
    • Duskwight are 101-104
  • Miqote:
    • Seekers are 1-4
    • Keepers are 101-104
  • Lalafell:
    • Plainsfolk are 1-4
    • Dunesfolk are 101-104
  • Au Ra:
    • Both clans share 1-4, they just have different color options
  • Viera:
    • Both clans share 1-4, they just have different color options

B. Please pick the correct model for your character's face in the dropdown menu underneath the "Models" tab, labelled "Number | X." At the bottom of the page, click the arrow next to "Export" and choose "FBX."

Step 2: Import the model you exported to blender.

A. Open blender. By default, you should see a cube model. Click it in the hierarchy on the right side of the window and delete it {DEL} so you have a clean slate to start with.

B. Import your FBX: <File → Import → FBX (.fbx)>. By default, textools saves face models in <Documents → Tex Tools → Saved → Character → Face → [Sex & Race] → [Face #]>.

At this point you should see your character's face, probably looking weird. Let's prep for editing.

Step 3: Prep for editing.

This is what mine looks like on import:

You can see lots of face parts highlighted in orange, and the bones associated with the face highlighted in yellow. Yours might look different.

A. Change the Viewport Shading to "Material Preview." (Mine starts on "Solid," hence the grey).

The face will look scary. This is normal.

B. Change to the Material Properties on the right side. In the "Settings" dropdown menu, change "Blend Mode" from "Alpha Blend" to "Alpha Clip."

The face should look less scary now.

C. Open the heirarchy on the right side to show the face parts. The face will be a long string of numbers associated with your face. Expand it, then expand "n_root" to see the face parts.

D. Delete the reaper eyes. They are "cXXXXfXXXX_fac Part 3.0" on all faces. Click it and delete it {DEL}.

Step 3: Prep for tooth import.

A. Click the main portion of the head (it is a different numbered part for every head, so just go for the main part of the face/skull, which the teeth are always attached to). and go to Edit mode (you start in Object mode).

PLEASE NOTE. THIS IS WHERE EDITING STARTS. It is very easy to mess up the face with even a single stray mouse click. Please be careful.

B. Hide the bones if you haven't, they can get in the way. Also hide the remaining portions of the face by clicking the little eyeball next to those parts in the hierarchy on the right.

C. Hide everything except the mouth box.

The easiest and most reliable way to do this is to:

  1. Hit {1} on your keyboard to force a frontal perspective of the face

  2. Toggle X-Ray to see inside the face

  3. {Click & Drag} to select large areas of the face - not the mouth box - WHILE HOLDING SHIFT. This allows you to select multiple things at once. You can see the rough outline of the extra vertices in the mouth area in the screenshot above - don't go near those.

  4. {CTRL+L} to automatically select linked vertices - in other words, parts of the face that are attached to your selection. The mouth box is a floating part that is not connected on vanilla faces, so this method is generally reliable for me. Below, you can see that even more vertices were selected automatically - just not the mouth box inside.

  5. {H} to hide the selected parts. If you have done this correctly, only the mouth box should be left.

    If you have not done this correctly and you're missing parts of the mouth box, {ALT+H} to unhide. Try again.

    This can be tricky because it's hard to see what you're looking at. If you turn off X-Ray it'll be easier to tell, but you will have a "mouth box" - a bag shape representing the interior of the mouth with a slit at the front for the lips, and a set of low poly teeth peeking through.

    If you continue to have trouble, try doing it without X-Ray on. This step is faster for me, but you can do it in layers, starting with the exterior of the face, then working your way through the parts (like eyeballs or whatever parts of the skull are not connected) until only the mouth is left.

Step 4: Import the teeth.

A. Return to "Object mode." The face will show up again. This is normal.

B. Import the tooth .fbx from wherever you've saved it: <File → Import → FBX (.fbx)>. The teeth will show up a beautiful magenta color - this is also normal because they have no textures attached to the file (textools does this for us, so we don't need to worry about it right now). They will also probably be away from your character's face somewhere on the axis, based on your height (lalafells: look way up/roes: look way down).

The teeth come weighted on an armature. Do not mess with this.

C. Click the first tooth object - usually the bottom. {CTRL+Click} the other tooth object and the face part, so all 3 are highlighted. Return to edit mode. You should see the imported teeth and the old mouth box, with the face hidden again.

D. Select the teeth: The new teeth should be automatically selected from being recently imported. If they are not, the easiest way to select them (especially if they are close in position to your old teeth), is to select the bottom tooth object and switch to the "Object Data" tab. Click the only option under "Vertex Groups" and click "select" underneath to select all of the vertices in that group. Repeat for the top.

E. Move the new teeth into place. Use the "Move" (& "Scale" tool, if necessary) to move the teeth to the approximate location and size of the old teeth. Do not move the teeth left or right on the axis - only forward/backward, up/down. The easiest way to ensure you do this is to click and drag the arrows on the 3d tool in the direction you want to move the teeth.

In the image above, I've moved the teeth to my best approximation of where the vanilla teeth are. I try to line up the bite with the vanilla bite, and the front of the teeth not much farther than where the vanilla teeth end to prevent clipping during lip movement. I tend to like my teeth a bit bigger than vanilla, so I leave mine slightly wider - you can adjust later.

F. Return to object mode.

Step 5: Remove the old teeth.

A. Select the main part of the face and return to edit mode.

B. Hide the new teeth in the hierarchy to the right - they are in the way for now.

C. We are going to select and hide the interior mouth so we only see the teeth. The easiest way to do this is to switch to "Face select" and use {CTRL+L} (while holding SHIFT) to select all of the connected faces of the inner mouth - the teeth are completely separate. I usually start by selecting a few pieces of the geometry (while holding SHIFT) that I know for sure are parts of the inner mouth (the teeth are flat planes with distinct tooth textures on them - the inner mouth, by contrast, is all dark red).

Hitting {CTRL+L} will select the linked faces. Be sure to rotate above and below to make sure all of the inner mouth is selected before hiding it. For example, here is my first round - by rotating, I can see that the back sides of the inner mouth were not selected. I will click those faces while holding shift, and hit {CTRL+L} again.

The second round got them all.

Now, {H} to hide. All that should be left is the low poly teeth.

D. Please make sure that there are no faces not a part of the teeth floating around somewhere. If you find any, hide them.

E. Select all {A} remaining faces, then {DEL} delete them.

Bye, old teeth.

Step 6. Fit the mouth box to the new teeth.

A. {ALT+H} to unhide the hidden parts of the face. Click the eyeball next to the new tooth parts and unhide them.

B. Hide the face again - leave the mouth box visible. Follow the steps above when you originally hid the face if you have forgotten how to do it.

C. We are going to fit the mouth box to the new teeth because otherwise it will hide the throat and tongue. Turning my camera, you can see why: it's narrow, and it clips.

D. Please be aware that this can be tricky.

We are going to subdivide parts of the inner mouth and move them outward. Start by selecting the 4 faces on the top, visible here:

Hit {M} & "Merge by Distance."

You will see a notification at the bottom that 2 vertices were merged.

{Right Click} & Subdivide those faces.

Go ahead and hide the new teeth again. You will see that the faces were split so we can move them a bit more easily.

E. Switch back to "Vertex select" and select the 3 central vertices, as pictured here {Click while holding shift}:

Unhide the top of the new teeth, and use the "Move" function to move those 3 vertices back and out so they don't clip through the roof of the mouth any more.

In the image above, I moved these vertices out and up slightly so they no longer clip. (Again - don't move them left or right.)

F. While those 3 vertices are still selected, {H} to hide them. Hide the new teeth. What you'll see inside the mouth is the old tongue - you don't need to subdivide to move this part.

Turn on X-Ray and click+ drag to select the 3 vertex groups at the tip of the tongue.

X-Ray is required because while the middle vertex looks like only one vertex, there's actually 2 there smashed on top of each other, and they're hard to select otherwise. Simply drag them down until they're flush with the rest of the lower part of the mouth.

ALMOST DONE. {ALT+H} to unhide everything. Turn off X-Ray.

G. Time to triangulate the part of the head we've been working on. This will allow it to be imported by textools after subdividing. If you forget to do this, you will get an error message about the mesh not being triangulated and textools won't let you import it.

{A} to select all (you should still be in edit mode). Select <Face → Triangulate Faces>.

Step 7: Export your edited model.

A. Return to object mode. Unhide all of the hidden face and tooth parts. <File → Export → FBX (.fbx)> - Be sure to name your file and save it somewhere you can find it again. Don't save it in textool's files.

Important: Turn off Apply Modifiers. This will preserve your shape keys.

Step 8: Set up material files in textools.

A. In textools, navigate to the texture files for your head. See above about the head numbers. Viera and Au Ra, please see below in step A.1. Go to "Material: ETC B." Hit "More Options" → "Edit Material," and set the Shader to "Skin." Click "Use Unique Textures," then "Save." (see the image below)

When you do this, the materials will reset to blank squares. Import the Pearly White textures here - Normal, Multi (Specular), and Diffuse. Use the dropdown menu on the right to change texture maps, and use the "..." to import your saved textures (using just "Import" will try to import a vanilla one saved in textools's folders).

This will be sufficient to set up tooth materials for MOST heads - the ones that use unique textures & models. For Viera & Au Ra, see below on the best way to set up your textures.

A.1: For Viera & Au Ra.

Navigate to the texture category that matches your face model. For example, if you use Viera/Au Ra face 1, go to the texture for face 0001. Go to "Material: ETC B." Hit "More Options" → "Edit Material," and set the Shader to "Skin." Click "Use Unique Textures," then "Save." (see the image below)

When you do this, the materials will reset to blank squares. Import the Pearly White textures here - Normal, Multi (Specular), and Diffuse. Use the dropdown menu on the right to change texture maps, and use the "..." to import your saved textures (using just "Import" will try to import a vanilla one saved in textools's folders).

Now, importantly. Open notepad or a word editor and save the paths for these 3 textures. They are at the bottom of the screen under the texture preview - highlight and copy them, then paste into notepad.

Go to the secondary set of textures for your face. For face 0001, the secondary set will be 0101. Go to "Material: ETC B." Hit "More Options" → "Edit Material." Set the Shader to "Skin." Click "Use Unique Textures." Then, paste those texture paths we saved into the 3 boxes. This is important to make the textures show up correctly. You can confirm that you're pasting them into the correct box by the very end of the paths: _n is the normal, _s is the Multi/specular, and _d is the diffuse. Hit "Save."

B. Import your model. Switch back over to the model tab. You might see tooth textures on the reaper eyes on the vanilla model. This is normal. At the bottom of the page, click "Import" and then "..." Choose the edited model you saved earlier, and then click "Open Editor."

When you do, textools will import the model and open a new window asking you to designate where the textures go. You do not need to mess with most of this if you're using a vanilla head.

It will remember what the original settings are, and you don't need to change anything except Group #3, which is now the teeth (formerly reaper eyes).

Change the "Group:" to "#3." The material should already be on "mt_cXXXXfXXXX_etc_b" (material etc_b). Simply select the "Reaper Transformation" in the box to the right and "Remove Attribute." This is the attribute that toggles the reaper eyes on during the enshroud animations. Failure to remove this attribute will result in your teeth only being visible during the enshroud animation. Do not leave it on.

After, you can check that the teeth are present by changing the mesh in the viewer to "3."

Now, when you boot the game, you should have some nice teeth.

Final Notes:

  • If you are having a triangulation error, please make sure you triangulated the face part. I triangulated the teeth on export, but you can also triangulate those out of an abundance of caution - you never know, I could have missed something. (Sorry if I did!)
  • Textools sometimes gives warnings for reimporting vanilla parts. This is normal and you didn't do anything wrong.
  • If you open the game and parts of your teeth are missing, you forgot to remove the reaper attribute.
  • if you open the game and your teeth are a terrifying red and black, you set up your material files wrong and the game has applied the black & red reaper eye texture to your teeth.

If you are having any other error code, I recommend you start over. ESPECIALLY if you see one about shape key data being incorrect.


  • Magic Bot's Sims 4 default replacement teeth
  • Clothes: Dolly, Crow, Remi (you can DM on twitter for links)
This product is not currently for sale.

Mouth Models & Texture Files

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Pearly Whites | Teeth & Mouth

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